A captive is a dynamic risk management tool and as such should conduct independent stewardship reviews of its operations at the very least on a five-year cyclical basis.
​RISCS CWC have successfully pioneered a specific consultancy solution, the RISCS CWC Captive Health Check, to deliver a full audit of a captive’s activities and advise on future strategies accordingly.
Our Captive Health Check delivers some or all the following critical reviews depending on the needs of the captive owner:
Strategic review
Review and comment as to whether the existing captive structure remains relevant.
Confirm whether the strategic objectives for the captive are being met and remain valid.
Propose refreshed objectives for the captive’s next three to five-year underwriting cycle.
Domicile review
Confirm whether the current domicile continues to be the most suitable location, and if not, then to recommend alternatives.
Structure review
Confirm whether in its current form the captive is still suitable or whether it should be transformed from its current state to an alternative corporate structure.
Operational and governance processes review
Assess whether the existing operational processes, with emphasis on claims handling, are suitable for the captive’s business.
Assess whether the captive’s governance regime is sufficiently robust to protect the interests of the captive owner.
Manager review
Confirm whether the current captive management team is the most suitable manager going forward and if not, to recommend alternatives. This will include a review of the current manager’s service level contract and fee structure.
Creation of new premium flows
Consider the inclusion of other traditionally insurable and non-traditionally insurable exposures into the captive to generate a new income stream.
Financial proforma
Deliver a five year financial proforma to take into account any changes we recommend.
RISCS CWC is an award-winning independent consultancy providing innovative captive & ART strategic risk advice to brokers, underwriters, corporates and captives across the world. With no financial ties to any particular captive domicile, captive manager or reinsurer, our recommendations and advice are wholly independent and as such are entirely focussed on our clients' individual needs.