Whilst the captive industry is well-established with more than 6,500 captives currently operating around the world, captives are still a new concept to many buyers and professional advisors.
Working with Captive Intelligence we offer a two day training course, Captive Essentials, that provides an introduction to the world of captives from a faculty made up of leading external captive experts. Please keep an eye on our home page for details of our next event of email for more information.
We also provide bespoke training to corporates and their captive teams, brokers and underwriters covering all aspects of captives and ART, thereby ensuring that all stakeholders have sufficient knowledge of the background to captives, their formation, operation, and reinsurance protection to ensure that they can maximise the benefits of having an alternative risk vehicle.
Our tailor-made training covers a range of topics including
Please contact us to discuss your specific training needs.
​​RISCS CWC provides independent, innovative, strategic risk consultancy to brokers, underwriters, corporates, and captives across the world. Drawing on decades of experience in the global captive and ART industry, we work with our clients to build an individual RISCS CWC Strategic Risk Pathway. Delivering a range of services and knowledge from the very first tentative self-insurance steps through to full captive operation and protection, we work with and support our clients every step of the way.